Friday, September 20, 2013

Sam Harris- molases spill

 Your thoughts on the effects of the molasses spill. How should people respond to this? Could this have been prepared for? What should be done next?

       This molasses spill is insane!!! I feel so bad for the animals! I think people should respond to this in a sad way. people should want to help and try to make things better under water. after seeing that video I defiantly would want to help. The people that caused this should be held responsible and do a big part to make things better.
     Yes this defiantly could have been prepared for! The scientist should have known that something like this would happen if they were careful. They should try to fix the situation they put themselves in the best that they can. Help the animals first and make sure they are taken care of. The spill is a tragic thing that happened! Hopefully it will never happen again!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Why Study Science

        We study science to learn more about the world around us and the environment. There are so many different types of sciences. Studying science can be very interesting. You can learn more and find out something new.Being a scientist they have to do experiments and tests to find out important information. I would like to learn more about the ocean and what goes on under water that I don't see everyday. Labs can be fun ,but it takes time and a lot of researching. you get to learn about different animals and scientists who discovered interesting things. Science can be a lot of fun and theirs a lot to learn. Science is everywhere!